Tag Archives: RomneyCare

I Watched The Tonight Show And Here Are My Findings

I Watched The Tonight Show And Here Are My Findings.

So I sat through 40 minutes of Jay Leno’s the Tonight Show on NBC waiting for Ron Paul to come on. It wasn’t that bad. I actually like Leno the best of all the late night comedians. The show started at 10:41 PM Mountain Time. Thats an hour and seven minutes later than it originally aired. Ron Paul was mentioned three to five times before being introduced by Leno and walking on stage to the tune of a rendition of Amy Allen’s Ron Paul theme song, originally from the 2008 election cycle.

He came in waving at the studio audience (and the television one) and sat down between Kevin Hart (who had the first interview, and who moved over for Doctor Paul) and Jay Leno. There was applause. I don’t know if there were many Paul fans there (there was at least one who would break out with chants of “President Paul, President Paul” from time to time) or if the audience is just supposed to cheer, but it was a warm enough reception.

Down to business. All kidding aside, Leno asked Paul a good dozen or so serious questions, each of which Paul was ready to answer, albeit in his gentile, sometimes broken-sentenced, Texas Congressman/Doctor/Grandfather way.

We were all hoping for some big announcement, though some of us may not actually have been expecting one. So when it came time for Leno to ask him about if he gave any thought to running third party, it was disappointing, but in retrospect, not all that surprising as he had said the same all throughout the campaign, when he answered, “No, not much.” He did mention something about instead taking a rest before firing things back up again in 2016, adding that he was “just kidding.”

Upon prompting, he also stated that he planned on voting but was not going prepared to say for whom. Some are taking this to mean he will not endorse anyone. They may well be right. And that may well be what Ron Paul meant. But I have another take.

Here should be the takeaway; not of what all this does mean, but what it could mean:

By saying he was not going to run third party, that could just refer to running on the top of the presidential ticket. He did not say he wouldn’t run for another office, third party.

By mentioning 2016 it could mean, while he was kidding about running himself, he plans on working towards Rand being the 2016 GOP nominee. This may or may not be contingent on who wins this time: Obama, Romney, or least-likely-but-every-dog-has-his-day Johnson. If Obama wins this time, the GOP establishment will be discredited. If it is not enough to make the Republican Party implode, it might be enough to make it revamp itself by dumping some of RINOs, particularly those heavily invested in the losing ticket, RomneyRyan. If this wouldn’t be Rand’s chance to shine, nothing would.

If Romney does win, something I think will not happen for several reasons, Rand won’t be able to run against him within the GOP without first being branded a traitor and then being absolutely ignored, probably even worse than his father was at the convention. Ron Paul media coverage during the primaries and up until a month or two prior to the Convention will look like doting by comparison. Of course, if Romney’s vision for America turns out to be worse than Obama’s, or better but just not good enough to stem the tide of the inevitable fiscal nightmare scenario, the Democrats and the ignorant amongst the independents will demonize all Republicans and especially those of a more laissez faire persuasion worse than they ever did Bush or Cheney or McCain or Palin (most of whom deserved it). Rand won’t stand a chance. Even if the Perry-Gingrich-Santorum-Bachmann-Cain crowd gets behind him, the establishment will likely have its way and nominate the least laissez faire Republican they can find, potentially RomneyRyan redux. And even if Rand does end up the nominee, the demonization of all things even mildly libertarian will be ever his companion.

And if Johnson wins (I don’t think he can without almost all of Paul’s supporter’s backing, which he may not get without making some concessions), there is no real reason for Rand to run unless he really has turned to the dark side. Not to mention that given this whole analysis of Rand’s chances is rooted in Paul’s mention of mention, and that Johnson can’t win without Paul and his supporters, which if given couldn’t do much good for Rand, the Rand versus Johnson scenario is the least likely of all possible outcomes.

By not saying who he is voting for, he could be genuinely undecided, not even fully aware of all the possibilities, in which case there is still time to petition him and Johnson to collaborate in the form of an endorsement or modified LP ticket. Or he could be stringing people along to give him time to calculate a decision, consciously considering a bold move such as one of the ones promoted on this blog. Alternatively his mind may already be made up, be it to write in himself, vote for Johnson or Virgil Goode, to not vote, or to conspire with the Johnson campaign, but he wants to keep things quiet for now.

I am probably reading too much into all of this, but it is good to know all of the possible scenarios, not just the most immediate or the most obvious.

PaulJohnson2012 Mission Statement

PaulJohnson2012 Mission Statement.

The Early Hours of September 3rd, 2012.

This site is dedicated to a Paul-Johnson or Johnson-Paul ticket for the 2012 presidential race. There is no intent to disenfranchise voters or campaign contributors, pressure candidates or staffers, or anger the grassroots or the electorate. There is only the desire to create a winning ticket by asking Gary Johnson, Jim Gray, and/or the Libertarian Party to make accommodations to the Ron Paul camp. This does not mean anyone should blackmail or belittle or berate the Gary Johnson team, but simply that we should ask them to weigh the requests and arguments and decide, voluntarily for themselves to potentially forgo one or both of their chances of becoming the president or vice president, for the sake of the cause. For those Libertarian Party members out there who find this idea reprehensible, I respect their rights, but I question their reasoning. I am certainly not for winning at all costs under any circumstances, but I am for asking all the candidates and officials in question to consider the merits of proposals such as what will be posted and promoted on this blog. Namely that the Libertarian Party make room for Ron Paul.

First, and hardest of all to accomplish would be having both Gary Johnson and Jim Gray step down so that Ron Paul can be placed at the top of the ticket and Gary Johnson at the bottom. Secondly, perhaps easier but still likely to elicit an initial backlash if not permanently damaged relationships between lovers of Liberty would be to have Jim Gray step down so that Ron Paul can take his place at the bottom of the ticket. And thirdly, would be to have Gary Johnson and/or Jim Gray and/or the Libertarian Party promise to appoint Ron Paul to a cabinet level position. There may be the chance that they plan on doing this anyway, but were they to make the promise, and to contact Ron Paul directly about it, before the November election, preferably soon, it could boost their polling numbers, their campaign contributions, and their voter turnout by a considerable margin. Enough to get media attention. Enough to make it into the debates. Enough to compete. Enough to win.

There will always be those die hard Ron Paul supporters, some of whom like Gary Johnson, and some of whom just don’t trust him, that do not plan on voting for Gary Johnson for a variety of reasons. This is their right. All men should be free to vote their conscience. Ridiculing them for this serves no purpose but to alienate you from them and them from you. How does this promote the cause of Liberty? But the numbers of such stubborn people would decrease considerably were they to be given some reassurances. These might include acquiescence to one of the aforementioned proposals, an endorsement of Gary Johnson by Ron Paul, or Gary Johnson convincing people of how much he and Ron Paul have in common, in spite of Gary Johnson’s perceived, though relative, ignorance or halfheartedness on so many issues ranging from the Natural Law to Economics to the Constitution to Foreign Policy to the War on Drugs.

If all of this could only come about at greater cost to the Liberty movement than benefit, the very idea should be cast aside lest a schism rends all that we have fought for asunder. Such rifts only occur for ideological reasons, and even then rarely. They should not be found to arise between former comrades who merely disagree on a few items of strategy.

I would appreciate any and all feedback, great or small, positive or negative. Please note that none of these things are originally my idea. I simply felt compelled by recent events (namely the Evan Alaska Conference Calls, one the night of September 2nd, and another on the night of September 6th, as well as rumors on the DailyPaul that gained traction after the Convention and particularly with the news of Ron Paul’s September 4th appearance on Jay Leno) and the hard work of others to become a part of this. For the record, I am a Ron Paul supporter who likes Gary Johnson but remains wary of him. I don’t even know that I could vote for him without some of the above requests being granted.

PaulJohnson 2012 Mission Statement

PaulJohnson 2012 Mission Statement.

The Early Hours of September 3rd, 2012.

This site is dedicated to a Paul-Johnson or Johnson-Paul ticket for the 2012 presidential race. There is no intent to disenfranchise voters or campaign contributors, pressure candidates or staffers, or anger the grassroots or the electorate. There is only the desire to create a winning ticket by asking Gary Johnson, Jim Gray, and/or the Libertarian Party to make accommodations to the Ron Paul camp. This does not mean anyone should blackmail or belittle or berate the Gary Johnson team, but simply that we should ask them to weigh the requests and arguments and decide, voluntarily for themselves to potentially forgo one or both of their chances of becoming the president or vice president, for the sake of the cause. For those Libertarian Party members out there who find this idea reprehensible, I respect their rights, but I question their reasoning. I am certainly not for winning at all costs under any circumstances, but I am for asking all the candidates and officials in question to consider the merits of proposals such as what will be posted and promoted on this blog. Namely that the Libertarian Party make room for Ron Paul.

First, and hardest of all to accomplish would be having both Gary Johnson and Jim Gray step down so that Ron Paul can be placed at the top of the ticket and Gary Johnson at the bottom. Secondly, perhaps easier but still likely to elicit an initial backlash if not permanently damaged relationships between lovers of Liberty would be to have Jim Gray step down so that Ron Paul can take his place at the bottom of the ticket. And thirdly, would be to have Gary Johnson and/or Jim Gray and/or the Libertarian Party promise to appoint Ron Paul to a cabinet level position. There may be the chance that they plan on doing this anyway, but were they to make the promise, and to contact Ron Paul directly about it, before the November election, preferably soon, it could boost their polling numbers, their campaign contributions, and their voter turnout by a considerable margin. Enough to get media attention. Enough to make it into the debates. Enough to compete. Enough to win.

There will always be those die hard Ron Paul supporters, some of whom like Gary Johnson, and some of whom just don’t trust him, that do not plan on voting for Gary Johnson for a variety of reasons. This is their right. All men should be free to vote their conscience. Ridiculing them for this serves no purpose but to alienate you from them and them from you. How does this promote the cause of Liberty? But the numbers of such stubborn people would decrease considerably were they to be given some reassurances. These might include acquiescence to one of the aforementioned proposals, an endorsement of Gary Johnson by Ron Paul, or Gary Johnson convincing people of how much he and Ron Paul have in common, in spite of Gary Johnson’s perceived, though relative, ignorance or halfheartedness on so many issues ranging from the Natural Law to Economics to the Constitution to Foreign Policy to the War on Drugs.

If all of this could only come about at greater cost to the Liberty movement than benefit, the very idea should be cast aside lest a schism rends all that we have fought for asunder. Such rifts only occur for ideological reasons, and even then rarely. They should not be found to arise between former comrades who merely disagree on a few items of strategy.

I would appreciate any and all feedback, great or small, positive or negative. Please note that none of these things are originally my idea. I simply felt compelled by recent events (namely the Evan Alaska Conference Calls, one the night of September 2nd, and another on the night of September 6th, as well as rumors on the DailyPaul that gained traction after the Convention and particularly with the news of Ron Paul’s September 4th appearance on Jay Leno) and the hard work of others to become a part of this. For the record, I am a Ron Paul supporter who likes Gary Johnson but remains wary of him. I don’t even know that I could vote for him without some of the above requests being granted.

PaulJohnson 2012 Mission Statement

PaulJohnson 2012 Mission Statement.

PaulJohnson 2012 Mission Statement

The Early Hours of September 3rd, 2012.

This site is dedicated to a Paul-Johnson or Johnson-Paul ticket for the 2012 presidential race. There is no intent to disenfranchise voters or campaign contributors, pressure candidates or staffers, or anger the grassroots or the electorate. There is only the desire to create a winning ticket by asking Gary Johnson, Jim Gray, and/or the Libertarian Party to make accommodations to the Ron Paul camp. This does not mean anyone should blackmail or belittle or berate the Gary Johnson team, but simply that we should ask them to weigh the requests and arguments and decide, voluntarily for themselves to potentially forgo one or both of their chances of becoming the president or vice president, for the sake of the cause. For those Libertarian Party members out there who find this idea reprehensible, I respect their rights, but I question their reasoning. I am certainly not for winning at all costs under any circumstances, but I am for asking all the candidates and officials in question to consider the merits of proposals such as what will be posted and promoted on this blog. Namely that the Libertarian Party make room for Ron Paul.

First, and hardest of all to accomplish would be having both Gary Johnson and Jim Gray step down so that Ron Paul can be placed at the top of the ticket and Gary Johnson at the bottom. Secondly, perhaps easier but still likely to elicit an initial backlash if not permanently damaged relationships between lovers of Liberty would be to have Jim Gray step down so that Ron Paul can take his place at the bottom of the ticket. And thirdly, would be to have Gary Johnson and/or Jim Gray and/or the Libertarian Party promise to appoint Ron Paul to a cabinet level position. There may be the chance that they plan on doing this anyway, but were they to make the promise, and to contact Ron Paul directly about it, before the November election, preferably soon, it could boost their polling numbers, their campaign contributions, and their voter turnout by a considerable margin. Enough to get media attention. Enough to make it into the debates. Enough to compete. Enough to win.

There will always be those die hard Ron Paul supporters, some of whom like Gary Johnson, and some of whom just don’t trust him, that do not plan on voting for Gary Johnson for a variety of reasons. This is their right. All men should be free to vote their conscience. Ridiculing them for this serves no purpose but to alienate you from them and them from you. How does this promote the cause of Liberty? But the numbers of such stubborn people would decrease considerably were they to be given some reassurances. These might include acquiescence to one of the aforementioned proposals, an endorsement of Gary Johnson by Ron Paul, or Gary Johnson convincing people of how much he and Ron Paul have in common, in spite of Gary Johnson’s perceived, though relative, ignorance or halfheartedness on so many issues ranging from the Natural Law to Economics to the Constitution to Foreign Policy to the War on Drugs.

If all of this could only come about at greater cost to the Liberty movement than benefit, the very idea should be cast aside lest a schism rends all that we have fought for asunder. Such rifts only occur for ideological reasons, and even then rarely. They should not be found to arise between former comrades who merely disagree on a few items of strategy.

I would appreciate any and all feedback, great or small, positive or negative. Please note that none of these things are originally my idea. I simply felt compelled by recent events (namely the Evan Alaska Conference Calls, one the night of September 2nd, and another on the night of September 6th, as well as rumors on the DailyPaul that gained traction after the Convention and particularly with the news of Ron Paul’s September 4th appearance on Jay Leno) and the hard work of others to become a part of this. For the record, I am a Ron Paul supporter who likes Gary Johnson but remains wary of him. I don’t even know that I could vote for him without some of the above requests being granted.

SIx Page Version of How to Achieve Draft Ron Paul to Libertarian Vice Presidential Slot

How to Achieve Draft Ron Paul to Libertarian Party Vice Presidential Slot 6 Pages

Click on Link for Ideas and Info!

How to Achieve Draft Ron Paul to Libertarian Vice Presidential Slot – Click on Link for Hyperlinked Version

How to Achieve Draft Ron Paul to Libertarian Party Vice Presidential Slot 4 Pages

PaulJohnson2012 Mission Statement

PaulJohnson2012 Mission Statement.

The Early Hours of September 3rd, 2012.

This site is dedicated to a Paul-Johnson or Johnson-Paul ticket for the 2012 presidential race. There is no intent to disenfranchise voters or campaign contributors, pressure candidates or staffers, or anger the grassroots or the electorate. There is only the desire to create a winning ticket by asking Gary Johnson, Jim Gray, and/or the Libertarian Party to make accommodations to the Ron Paul camp. This does not mean anyone should blackmail or belittle or berate the Gary Johnson team, but simply that we should ask them to weigh the requests and arguments and decide, voluntarily for themselves to potentially forgo one or both of their chances of becoming the president or vice president, for the sake of the cause. For those Libertarian Party members out there who find this idea reprehensible, I respect their rights, but I question their reasoning. I am certainly not for winning at all costs under any circumstances, but I am for asking all the candidates and officials in question to consider the merits of proposals such as what will be posted and promoted on this blog. Namely that the Libertarian Party make room for Ron Paul.

First, and hardest of all to accomplish would be having both Gary Johnson and Jim Gray step down so that Ron Paul can be placed at the top of the ticket and Gary Johnson at the bottom. Secondly, perhaps easier but still likely to elicit an initial backlash if not permanently damaged relationships between lovers of Liberty would be to have Jim Gray step down so that Ron Paul can take his place at the bottom of the ticket. And thirdly, would be to have Gary Johnson and/or Jim Gray and/or the Libertarian Party promise to appoint Ron Paul to a cabinet level position. There may be the chance that they plan on doing this anyway, but were they to make the promise, and to contact Ron Paul directly about it, before the November election, preferably soon, it could boost their polling numbers, their campaign contributions, and their voter turnout by a considerable margin. Enough to get media attention. Enough to make it into the debates. Enough to compete. Enough to win.

There will always be those die hard Ron Paul supporters, some of whom like Gary Johnson, and some of whom just don’t trust him, that do not plan on voting for Gary Johnson for a variety of reasons. This is their right. All men should be free to vote their conscience. Ridiculing them for this serves no purpose but to alienate you from them and them from you. How does this promote the cause of Liberty? But the numbers of such stubborn people would decrease considerably were they to be given some reassurances. These might include acquiescence to one of the aforementioned proposals, an endorsement of Gary Johnson by Ron Paul, or Gary Johnson convincing people of how much he and Ron Paul have in common, in spite of Gary Johnson’s perceived, though relative, ignorance or halfheartedness on so many issues ranging from the Natural Law to Economics to the Constitution to Foreign Policy to the War on Drugs.

If all of this could only come about at greater cost to the Liberty movement than benefit, the very idea should be cast aside lest a schism rends all that we have fought for asunder. Such rifts only occur for ideological reasons, and even then rarely. They should not be found to arise between former comrades who merely disagree on a few items of strategy.

I would appreciate any and all feedback, great or small, positive or negative. Please note that none of these things are originally my idea. I simply felt compelled by recent events (namely the Evan Alaska Conference Calls, one the night of September 2nd, and another on the night of September 6th, as well as rumors on the DailyPaul that gained traction after the Convention and particularly with the news of Ron Paul’s September 4th appearance on Jay Leno) and the hard work of others to become a part of this. For the record, I am a Ron Paul supporter who likes Gary Johnson but remains wary of him. I don’t even know that I could vote for him without some of the above requests being granted.

I Watched The Tonight Show And Here Are My Findings

So I sat through 40 minutes of Jay Leno’s the Tonight Show on NBC waiting for Ron Paul to come on. It wasn’t that bad. I actually like Leno the best of all the late night comedians. The show started at 10:41 PM Mountain Time. Thats an hour and seven minutes later than it originally aired. Ron Paul was mentioned three to five times before being introduced by Leno and walking on stage to the tune of a rendition of Amy Allen’s Ron Paul theme song, originally from the 2008 election cycle.

He came in waving at the studio audience (and the television one) and sat down between Kevin Hart (who had the first interview, and who moved over for Doctor Paul) and Jay Leno. There was applause. I don’t know if there were many Paul fans there (there was at least one who would break out with chants of “President Paul, President Paul” from time to time) or if the audience is just supposed to cheer, but it was a warm enough reception.

Down to business. All kidding aside, Leno asked Paul a good dozen or so serious questions, each of which Paul was ready to answer, albeit in his gentile, sometimes broken-sentenced, Texas Congressman/Doctor/Grandfather way.

We were all hoping for some big announcement, though some of us may not actually have been expecting one. So when it came time for Leno to ask him about if he gave any thought to running third party, it was disappointing, but in retrospect, not all that surprising as he had said the same all throughout the campaign, when he answered, “No, not much.” He did mention something about instead taking a rest before firing things back up again in 2016, adding that he was “just kidding.”

Upon prompting, he also stated that he planned on voting but was not going prepared to say for whom. Some are taking this to mean he will not endorse anyone. They may well be right. And that may well be what Ron Paul meant. But I have another take.

Here should be the takeaway; not of what all this does mean, but what it could mean:

By saying he was not going to run third party, that could just refer to running on the top of the presidential ticket. He did not say he wouldn’t run for another office, third party.

By mentioning 2016 it could mean, while he was kidding about running himself, he plans on working towards Rand being the 2016 GOP nominee. This may or may not be contingent on who wins this time: Obama, Romney, or least-likely-but-every-dog-has-his-day Johnson. If Obama wins this time, the GOP establishment will be discredited. If it is not enough to make the Republican Party implode, it might be enough to make it revamp itself by dumping some of RINOs, particularly those heavily invested in the losing ticket, RomneyRyan. If this wouldn’t be Rand’s chance to shine, nothing would.

If Romney does win, something I think will not happen for several reasons, Rand won’t be able to run against him within the GOP without first being branded a traitor and then being absolutely ignored, probably even worse than his father was at the convention. Ron Paul media coverage during the primaries and up until a month or two prior to the Convention will look like doting by comparison. Of course, if Romney’s vision for America turns out to be worse than Obama’s, or better but just not good enough to stem the tide of the inevitable fiscal nightmare scenario, the Democrats and the ignorant amongst the independents will demonize all Republicans and especially those of a more laissez faire persuasion worse than they ever did Bush or Cheney or McCain or Palin (most of whom deserved it). Rand won’t stand a chance. Even if the Perry-Gingrich-Santorum-Bachmann-Cain crowd gets behind him, the establishment will likely have its way and nominate the least laissez faire Republican they can find, potentially RomneyRyan redux. And even if Rand does end up the nominee, the demonization of all things even mildly libertarian will be ever his companion.

And if Johnson wins (I don’t think he can without almost all of Paul’s supporter’s backing, which he may not get without making some concessions), there is no real reason for Rand to run unless he really has turned to the dark side. Not to mention that given this whole analysis of Rand’s chances is rooted in Paul’s mention of mention, and that Johnson can’t win without Paul and his supporters, which if given couldn’t do much good for Rand, the Rand versus Johnson scenario is the least likely of all possible outcomes.

By not saying who he is voting for, he could be genuinely undecided, not even fully aware of all the possibilities, in which case there is still time to petition him and Johnson to collaborate in the form of an endorsement or modified LP ticket. Or he could be stringing people along to give him time to calculate a decision, consciously considering a bold move such as one of the ones promoted on this blog. Alternatively his mind may already be made up, be it to write in himself, vote for Johnson or Virgil Goode, to not vote, or to conspire with the Johnson campaign, but he wants to keep things quiet for now.

I am probably reading too much into all of this, but it is good to know all of the possible scenarios, not just the most immediate or the most obvious.

PaulJohnson2012 Mission Statement

The Early Hours of September 3rd, 2012.

This site is dedicated to a Paul-Johnson or Johnson-Paul ticket for the 2012 presidential race. There is no intent to disenfranchise voters or campaign contributors, pressure candidates or staffers, or anger the grassroots or the electorate. There is only the desire to create a winning ticket by asking Gary Johnson, Jim Gray, and/or the Libertarian Party to make accommodations to the Ron Paul camp. This does not mean anyone should blackmail or belittle or berate the Gary Johnson team, but simply that we should ask them to weigh the requests and arguments and decide, voluntarily for themselves to potentially forgo one or both of their chances of becoming the president or vice president, for the sake of the cause. For those Libertarian Party members out there who find this idea reprehensible, I respect their rights, but I question their reasoning. I am certainly not for winning at all costs under any circumstances, but I am for asking all the candidates and officials in question to consider the merits of proposals such as what will be posted and promoted on this blog. Namely that the Libertarian Party make room for Ron Paul.

First, and hardest of all to accomplish would be having both Gary Johnson and Jim Gray step down so that Ron Paul can be placed at the top of the ticket and Gary Johnson at the bottom. Secondly, perhaps easier but still likely to elicit an initial backlash if not permanently damaged relationships between lovers of Liberty would be to have Jim Gray step down so that Ron Paul can take his place at the bottom of the ticket. And thirdly, would be to have Gary Johnson and/or Jim Gray and/or the Libertarian Party promise to appoint Ron Paul to a cabinet level position. There may be the chance that they plan on doing this anyway, but were they to make the promise, and to contact Ron Paul directly about it, before the November election, preferably soon, it could boost their polling numbers, their campaign contributions, and their voter turnout by a considerable margin. Enough to get media attention. Enough to make it into the debates. Enough to compete. Enough to win.

There will always be those die hard Ron Paul supporters, some of whom like Gary Johnson, and some of whom just don’t trust him, that do not plan on voting for Gary Johnson for a variety of reasons. This is their right. All men should be free to vote their conscience. Ridiculing them for this serves no purpose but to alienate you from them and them from you. How does this promote the cause of Liberty? But the numbers of such stubborn people would decrease considerably were they to be given some reassurances. These might include acquiescence to one of the aforementioned proposals, an endorsement of Gary Johnson by Ron Paul, or Gary Johnson convincing people of how much he and Ron Paul have in common, in spite of Gary Johnson’s perceived, though relative, ignorance or halfheartedness on so many issues ranging from the Natural Law to Economics to the Constitution to Foreign Policy to the War on Drugs.

If all of this could only come about at greater cost to the Liberty movement than benefit, the very idea should be cast aside lest a schism rends all that we have fought for asunder. Such rifts only occur for ideological reasons, and even then rarely. They should not be found to arise between former comrades who merely disagree on a few items of strategy.

I would appreciate any and all feedback, great or small, positive or negative. Please note that none of these things are originally my idea. I simply felt compelled by recent events (namely the Evan Alaska Conference Calls, one the night of September 2nd, and another on the night of September 6th, as well as rumors on the DailyPaul that gained traction after the Convention and particularly with the news of Ron Paul’s September 4th appearance on Jay Leno) and the hard work of others to become a part of this. For the record, I am a Ron Paul supporter who likes Gary Johnson but remains wary of him. I don’t even know that I could vote for him without some of the above requests being granted.